

Dress: Target | Purse: Vintage Coach via Crossroads Trading | Shoes: Forever 21

When I was a kid, my mom and I would drive together a lot. Let’s rephrase that –she drove me. And I mean everywhere.

Sometimes it was to dinner, lunch, to go shopping, etc. Whatever it was, it was always interesting. Sometimes we’d sit in silence and listen to NPR or sometimes we’d talk about life. Her life. My life. You know how it is. And one of things I loved to hear most were stories about her life when she was my age.

I heard a lot, but what I remember distinctly was that she said she was a “flower child.” A bohemian. Obsessed with The Who and bell bottoms. It was the 60s after all. So, when I saw this dress after making a wrong turn at Target, I fell in love. Maybe our love for florals and retro prints is genetic. You know, “Like mother, like daughter.” Whatever it is, I think I’m living up to the 60s version of my mom pretty well.

Photography via Lisha Wang