Everyday look: Patterned, quirky dress with heels

Dress: Staud | Shoes: Inez

You know the pieces of clothing that feel so extremely out of your comfort zone that you almost gravitate towards? Well, this dress is definitely it.

Put simply, it’s a hodge podge of patterns, colors and shapes – but I’m channeling my inner Marie Kondo and it’s bringing me all the joy. Now, I’m just trying to figure out if this is appropriate for future client meetings. Will get back to you on that one. :)

Speaking of joy, I recently found out about a brand called Inez that has the most incredible (and comfortable shoes!). I’m seriously impressed with the level of comfort, the styles and even better? It’s founded by a woman and built in a family-factory in Spain.

The ones I’m wearing are called the Sasha in black lizard emobss and not only will I be wearing these with every outfit, but I’m actually thinking of wearing these for my wedding in August! They are that comfortable.

And if you’re looking for a pair of heels, boots or sandals that focus on support and style – I highly suggest checking Inez out! For 15% off, use the code ARancer15!